node-untappd: A NodeJS Library for using the Untappd API

Last night in anticipation of the upcoming JSConf, I released version 0.1.0 of node-untappd.  node-untappd is a NodeJS API Client for using Untappd services. My hope is that someone out there might use this to make some really cool things that they will then share with me and offer to buy me beer for my hardwork.  We’ll see how that works out.

If you are unfamiliar with Untappd and drink beer at all, you need to make yourself familiar.  Untappd is a socail tracking application for beer.  Think of it as FourSquare for beer.  Users checkin, rate, comment, track, and share beer consumptions and notes.  It’s an awesome little tool for keeping track of exactly what you are drinking, where you are drinking it, and what you thought of it.

node-untappd connect into the Untappd application by exposing the Untappd API to your Node application.  You can do all kinds of queries, checkins, comments, and the like right from within your own tool.

You can install node-untappd by using

npm install node-untappd.

Make sure to read the file

To learn more about node-untappd or see the source code at the github repository:

To see the API details go to:



Easing NodeJS into the Future

Let me get this right out of the way. I’m a fan. NodeJS is really cool, easy to use, and feels just right the minute you try it out. I’m all in.

Now for the bad news…

There are some problems that NodeJS is facing this year. The upside though, is that these problems can be easily addressed. I only hope it is not too late… but maybe with a little effort, a little organization, and a whole lot of additional groundswell, we can propel NodeJS forward by a giant leap.

Hello, World

The very first time programmatic encounter a new user of NodeJS will have is the Hello World example. This is a universal concept across all languages, the entry point is always Hello World. Hello World is the single most simplistic concept in writing a program in any language. It is fundamentally the most basic thing you can do.

The NodeJS Hello World example:

var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hello World\n');
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');

The problem is that the NodeJS Hello World example basically says that NodeJS is all about building Web Servers and in my opinion that is way too narrow. NodeJS is absolutely awesome at the Web stack, no disagreement. Yet, I believe that NodeJS is so much more and has nearly limitless potential: today we can build CLI programs, statistical analyzers, and stand alone applications all in NodeJS and not once do we need to create a Web Server to do it. By defining our most basic of examples in the terms of a Web stack we are defining our entire ecosystem in those terms and that will continue to limit our potential. It is time for NodeJS to grow out of that perceptual constraint and I believe it starts with Hello World.

My solution, one line long:

console.log(‘Hello World’);

Once you get users in with one basic example, you move on to the next one and the next one after that. Absolutely we should be teaching our n00bs how amazingly simple it is to host your own servers in NodeJS, but NodeJS is so much more than that. We need to appeal to all the use cases, not just those who want to build servers. So show us how to do it all.

Which leads to the next point…


One of the big problems of the documentation is that it is trying to serve two different masters and it need to separate it’s interest. On the one hand, it wants to be a teaching tool, helping new users through common problems and examples. On the other hand, it needs to be a resource document to which the more experienced users can turn. Regardless, both of these objectives is utterly necessary, but also at odds with one another. So lets split them apart but keep them cross referenced with one another. So the reference has pointers to the examples and the examples cross link to the references.

Once we have separated the concerns from one another, then the community can put some real effort into beefing the documentation up big time. With regards to the examples, we need to put some serious effort into teaching our users event driven programming and how it works, why it works, where it is good, and where it is bad. On the reference material side of the house we need to flesh stuff out: every single function, identifier and object needs to be described and commented upon. Also every callback needs to also be defined with exactly what is being passed into the callback when it is fired. I swear I spend half my time outputting arguments from various callbacks to understand what they are before I can actually use it.

There is literally thousands of examples on the Internet about how to use NodeJS and thousands of people willing to share their insights. So let us put all that collective talent to work creating an amazing system dedicated to teaching the technology we are all so passionate about. Everything from video tutorials (like that one on youtube), to cross referenced API documentation, to examples to do virtually everything we can think of, to sample applications and configurations. There needs to be a one stop shop to all things NodeJS and it’s name is not Google. I want to know how to do X and I do not want to hunt all over the place to find it. It is all about making NodeJS more approachable and easier to use.

And with that segue we move on to…


Simple NodeJS startup is wonderfully easy, just type node and go. Or you can get more fancy and supply a filename to start execution. The reality, however, is that most of us are not working in a simple world. We work in complex, custom, evolutionary, hybrid environments that defy description. I know this first hand, I’ve tried to describe them, it’s not pretty.

So we need to make starting NodeJS easier. After all, if it seems like its hard to do (whether or not it really is) we are not going to do it.

See, System Administrators today have a lot invested in their current solutions. They’ve been using Apache Web Server (for example) for almost two decades. They have put a ton of work into whatever cobbled together solution they have. Asking them to change, while great for progress, is just asking for a whole lot of argument. So why not make NodeJS fit into the architecture they already know and love? Why not provide them options and at the same time, show them how easy it is to love NodeJS.

This comes down to three different ways NodeJS needs to run:

First, some people just want to run NodeJS. We got this one covered today. It’s easy, it’s powerful and it has a lovely command line interface built in if you want it.

Second, some people want to run NodeJS from a Web container. This is basically the PHP or the JSP model where NodeJS runs behind a Web Server and the Web Server sends specific request too the NodeJS as it needs. There are dozens of protocols for doing this (CGI, FastCGI, AJP, etc) and implementing several of these should be and is pretty easy. A few github projects do this to varying levels of success. The ultimate goal though, is to bring these things right into the runtime so things are as painless as possible to setup. It could be as simple as just adding a command line switch to the NodeJS runtime to tell it that the incoming request is a CGI one or something. I am not trying to implement here, just throwing ideas out.

Finally, some users just want to run NodeJS as a robust service. For example, anyone whom wants NodeJS to be the only Web Server and does not need to rely on third part tools. To do so, NodeJS needs to ship with the code and tools necessary to working with full fledged services. Upstart and Forever are two tools to help with this, but why can we not put this technology into the runtime? This speaks to making it as easy as possible to get setup and rolling the way a user wants to get setup and rolling. And let us not forget not everything runs on Linux like it should; Windows still has its proponents and we need to be more approachable to everyone. Ideally integrated technology for keeping a server up, running, and monitored would be ideal. As more and more NodeJS users look to deploy NodeJS into production, easing this process becomes more and more critical.

And I’m Spent

So that is about all I got so far. I’m sure there are dozens and dozens of other things that could really help NodeJS grow, but to me these are the big ones. Yet, these are also the ones that I think can be fixed right now.

Ultimately, we need to make NodeJS more approachable, more understandable and more reliable. Today NodeJS is crazy popular, but I believe we are rapidly approaching a turn which can direct NodeJS’ fate for the years to come. It is the classic dilemma for any fledgling technology and the roadside is strewn with the corpses of those that have come before us. I honestly believe that this community can steer NodeJS to greatness, if it is willing to do so. This involves hard work, it involves decisive action, and most importantly, it involves foresight to see what is to come. If we, as a community can accept this role, NodeJS will explode to heights even we failed to imagine.
