It looks as if I have broken the ring (or 4th) finger of my left hand. I did something while playing Ultimate this weekend and toward the end of my 1st game (of 3 games that I had saturday) I noticed my finger was sore. Well, I iced it for a bit and taped it up to its sibling finger, and kept playing. Then sunday I iced it some more. It was still sore monday, so I went to the urgent care facility and got an x-ray. Lo and behold there is a tiny piece of bone broken away and lose and causing all kinds of problems.
So later today I’m off to an orthopeadic specialist to get a more detailed analysis.
In the meantime I’m typing rather oddly with one of my fingers in a splint. It isn’t slowing me down that much, just a little in terms of overall typing speed, which is good. Occasionally it gets in the way though.
I’m pretty worried about not being able to play frisbee for the next n weeks while things heal.